The (dis)comfort of the status quo.

Among other things, I teach Grade 9 math. I love it. Some days are hard. Some days are joyful. I want all days to be about trying to see math as a wonderful, connected, creative endeavour. I don’t always get it right. I believe that our classroom learning time should begin with play. I believeContinue reading “The (dis)comfort of the status quo.”

Curating student learning in real time

One of the things I’m really passionate about is reframing assessment away from something we do to student, to be something, a conversation really, that we do WITH students. The biggest change that I have made with respect to this is that I try to gather as much assessment data as I can in realContinue reading “Curating student learning in real time”

What is an inquiry mathematics classroom anyway?

This is what’s on my mind these days. All the time. I don’t just teach math, I teach other subjects too, but my math classroom holds a special place in my heart as an educator. (Hence the name of this blog). Right now, I’m knee deep in exploring the intersection between inquiry classrooms and mathematicsContinue reading “What is an inquiry mathematics classroom anyway?”